Piloting soon: Housing Options Training Toolkit for RSLs

Scotland’s Housing Network are seeking expressions of interest from RSLs who wish to pilot the Housing Options Training Toolkit. The pilot will provide the RSL with two licenses at a heavily discounted price, with the aim to gather feedback from RSLs on how the toolkit can be further adapted for RSL use.
The Housing Options Training Toolkit (HOTT) is developed and owned by the 32 Local Authorities & Wheatley Homes (Glasgow) and SHN manage it on their behalf.
There are now over 2000 staff using the training toolkit within Scotland and we are hoping to eventually expand this to RSLs and other agencies. We have received some really positive feedback from staff about the toolkit but we want to ensure it is as practical to RSLs as well as LA’s.
One staff member from West Dunbartonshire Council commented: “I really enjoyed the housing options toolkit training. I found it covered absolutely everything you would need as professional worker in the homeless team”.
To find out more please contact Leza Lafferty at Leza.lafferty@scotlandshousingnetwork.org with a 200 word summary as to why you think your RSL would be suited to taking part in the pilot.
The closing date for submissions will be will be Monday 16th December 2024 and the chosen RSL will be notified that week.