What is a Community of Practice?
A Community of Practice is a professional network, a group of individuals who have an interest in a specific area of professional housing practice.

Our Communities of Practice are exclusive to members, we organise our Communities of Practice for Local Authority Members, Registered Social Landlord member or both.
What can I expect from a Community of Practice?
Typical activity of each Community of Practice includes:
- Events – for example practice exchange, roundtable discussions, thematic events, external training and guest lecture series.
- Publications and Reports – research reports, data and performance reports, best-practice guides and short practice bites.
- Online discussion forums – a Microsoft Teams channel dedicated to each Community.
- Data Dashboards – where relevant, Power BI dashboards designed exclusively for Communities of Practice (all accessible on-line).
- Working Groups – your opportunity to be involved in working groups and bespoke projects.
Who can Join?
Anyone employed by a membership organisation can join our Communities of Practice, there is no limit to the number of Communities you can belong to.
How do I Join a Community?
You can access all the content for each Communities of Practice from our member website.