Development Value for Money

The purpose of the Development Value for Money (DVfM) service is to provide landlords with a detailed analysis of cost, time and quality indicators, at project level, which is benchmarked across the Scottish social housing sector.




A key element for SHN is the identification of best practice, trends and challenges faced by the sector, and to bring landlords together in practice exchange.

This service allows developing landlords to meet the Scottish Government condition of funding that requires them to participate in a value for money exercise.  The service is available to all SHN members as part of their membership subscription, non-members can participate for an annual fee.

The materials, including the new DVFM Tool and revised Guidance are now available and are accessible on our resources and publications page.

Completed data returns should be submitted to

To find out more about the Development Value for Money benchmarking service please contact


Publications and reports

Development Value for Money Report 2023/24

An analysis of the new build programme for 2023/24.

LHS Forum – SHN Development Value for Money service – November 2023

Brief overview of the SHN Development Value for Money service by Ross Morris, Service Improvement Manager, Scotland's Housing Network

Development Value for Money – Annual Report 2022/23

Details of the first Annual Report of SHN's Development Value for Money (DVfM) tool, analysing data relating to new build development projects completed during 2022/23. v1.1 - edited April 2024