Tenant Participation

Our communities of practice are a group of like minded professionals that work (or have an interest in) an area of housing practice.

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This Forum is concerned with all aspects of tenant participation, customer engagement and wider community involvement by landlord organisations. There are good practice, legal and regulatory requirements to consult customers, to report performance to tenants, to collect data in relation to protected characteristics and to use that data to influence policy and practice development. All aspects of customer engagement will be discussed at this Forum.



Key Content


Exceeding regulatory requirements to report performance to customers


Customer satisfaction and reporting requirements


The use of technology to communicate with and engage customers


Engaging hard-to-reach groups, young people, for example


Collecting and making use of equalities data

Publications and reports

SHN Charter Performance 2023/24 Briefing Session – presentation – June 2024

Presentation by SHN on 2023/24 Charter Performance based on member data received at June 2024.

TIS presentation February 2024

An overview of the services provided by TIS and examples of best practice in Tenant Participation

North Lanarkshire Council Tenant Participation Presentation February 2024

Presentation from North Lanarkshire Council to February Tenant Participation Forum - around best practice

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