Governance and Scrutiny for RSLs

Our communities of practice are a group of like minded professionals that work (or have an interest in) an area of housing practice.


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Strong governance is pivotal in housing associations and co-operatives, providing strategic direction and leadership necessary to create successful organisations. This community of practice comes together to consider regulatory requirements and developments alongside other national scrutiny developments.

This community of practice will develop your skills and knowledge to meet regulatory and statutory requirements and other national scrutiny developments.  We will explore approaches and tools for performance improvements and service developments.  


Key Content


Tenant insight – a toolkit for landlords


Tenant scrutiny panels – best practice


Getting to know you – collecting equalities information


What is value for money – best practice


Regulatory intervention – sharing best practice


Publications and reports

Member Query – Rent Structure Reviews and Multi-Year Rent Strategies – August 2024

Responses received to a recent member query on rent structure reviews and multi-year rent strategies - August 2024

Quarterly Benchmarking 2024-25 Q1 RSL report

This is the report on the Registered Social Landlords who submitted quarterly data for Q1 of 2024-25.

Quarterly Benchmarking 2024-25 Q1 LA report

This is the report on the Local Authorities who submitted quarterly data for Q1 of 2024-25.

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