Data Collection 2023/24

Good morning all
Thank you again for your continued membership of Scotland’s Housing Network. You will hopefully by now have had the opportunity to review our new Business Intelligence Tools – available now on our website. A quick start video is available here – We will over the next year be looking to add more tools, listen to our members about what they want to see and continue to offer timely additional data collections when required.
This article sets out our arrangements for collecting Charter and Network return data from our members for the reporting year 2022/23 as well as the Quarterly Data Return for Q4.
Annual Return on the Charter
Scotland’s Housing Network is pleased to once again offer a range of resources to assist you in completing your Charter Return. These resources can be found on the Scotland’s Housing Network website by selecting “Services”, then “Resources and Publications” and then selecting “Charter Preparation”.
Materials provided here include:
- The SHN Guide to the Charter Indicators 2022/23 – Tips for Accurate Reporting: A comprehensive supplementary guide to the Charter produced by SHN Associate Christine Dugan, informed by learning from validation visits and FAQs published by the Regulator.
- Charter Data Collection template: supporting you to collate the information required for the Charter and performing simple calculations based on your inputs
- SHR Technical Guidance – March 2023: the most up-to-date Guidance published by the Regulator
- Presentations from our recent Charter Preparation Sessions (full notes available from 18th April)
We would appreciate it if you could please submit your completed Charter Returns to by Thursday 1 June 2023. Collated data and outputs developed using Members’ Charter data will be made available during the following week, with Business Intelligence Tools updated and ready for use by Tuesday 6th June.
Network Indicators
As you may be aware, we recently reviewed our Network Indicators with our members. Our sincere thanks go to all who contributed to this. The main outcomes from this review were:
- Annual Network Indicators have been considerably streamlined, with around half of the questions removed.
- Use of the Portal to submit data will not be required going forward.
The aim of these changes was to encourage more landlords to take part and to ensure we make best use of all data you provide. As such, new Guidance and a new Network Indicators Collection template have been produced. The collection template features built-in validation, and should hopefully be helpful in completing this task. These resources are now available on the “Resources and Publications” section of our website again under “Charter Preparation”.
The Network Indicators collection template should be reviewed and returned to us at by Friday 9th June 2023. We will have resources available during the following week, and relevant data from this will also be carried through into your Performance Analysis Visit if relevant.
If your organisation doesn’t regularly participate in Annual Network Indicators, I would request that you review the new collection template as I believe working with our members we have made this far more straightforward.
EESSH Voluntary Collection for 2022/23
As this year’s Charter Return will not include the two questions on EESSH compliance featured in last year’s return (C10 and C11), Scotland’s Housing Network has decided to offer a voluntary collection of this data for our members.
A simple-to-complete spreadsheet in the same format as last year’s Charter questions on EESSH is available again on the “Resources and Publications” section of our website, under Charter Preparation. Definitions are as per last year’s SHR Technical Guidance.
We would be very grateful if you could please submit this data by 1 June 2023 (the same date that we require your submitted ARC pdf). As ever, returns should be sent to
Please note this is a voluntary return, and it shouldn’t delay your submission of your Charter to us, but the more landlords who participate, the better a picture we will be able to offer across our various Tools and in your Performance Analysis Visit where relevant.
Quarter 4 Quarterly data submission
Quarterly data for Q4 2022/23 should be completed by Friday 30th April. This should be input on the ScotXed Portal, at For future quarters this won’t be necessary, but for now please continue to submit quarterly data as normal.
Thank you again for your continued membership and participation!
Scotland’s Housing Network