Development Value for Money

27 February 2024

We are now collating SHN Development Value for Money Tool (DVfM) returns for new build development projects completed during Q3 of 2023/24, with a deadline of Thursday 28th March for submissions. As before, most of the data required to complete this return can be found on HARP or the project’s Tender Return.    

The Development Value for Money Tool has been created to help social housing providers demonstrate value for money in their New Build programmes. If you are a member of Scotland’s Housing Network you will have access to the DVfM Tool as well as outputs like reports and forums at no additional cost.

The purpose of the tool is to provide developing landlords with detailed analysis of cost, time and tenant satisfaction indicators at project level, which is then benchmarked across the Scottish Housing Sector. A key priority for SHN is the identification of best practice, trends and challenges faced by the sector and this will be further teased out by bringing landlords together to discuss issues in practice exchange.

An output report will be produced following on from the deadline of Thursday 28th March. Data will be stated in a semi-anonymised format, with a key provided to participating landlords only (i.e. A1 = Stonecross Housing Association, Dalry Road Project).  As a reminder, our anonymised Annual Report covering projects completed during 2022/23 is now available here.