Scotland’s Housing Network launches strategic plan

26 July 2024

Scotland’s Housing Network and our Board of Directors are delighted to launch our Strategic Plan 2024-2029.  The plan has been developed with input from members and the staff team and it puts our members right at the heart of it.  The Strategic Plan is supported by a Strategic Delivery Plan and Operational Plan, shaping our business decision making.   

 Our five-year goals are summarised below. 


  • We will continue to serve our members well. 
  • We are governed by our members. 
  • We are funded by our members.  
  • Our services are co-produced with our members
Renowned Expertise 

  • We offer robust data and insight. 
  • We help out members to collectively share their experience and harness their expertise. 
  • Our expertise is sought by partners and others.  


Vital Services 

  • Our services are highly valued by our members and partners. 
  • They are reliable, relevant and effective. 
  • We make effective use of innovative technology. 
  • Our services make a positive impact, and are accessible, affordable and easy to use.  
Resilient Organisation 

  • We are well governed with robust systems and processes. 
  • We are an excellent employer and are financially sound. 
  • We act on feedback from our members and monitor our performance.   


We plan on taking a phased approach to delivering our plan, by investing in our people, partnerships, systems and processes, strengthening our services, communication, engagement, capacity and resilience then growing our organisation, membership, influence and impact. 

We will report back on our progress towards realising our Strategic Plan on an annual basis.