Housing Options Training Toolkit shortlisted for award

Scotland’s Housing Network is delighted to announce that the Housing Options Training Toolkit has been short-listed for the ‘Working in Partnership’ category at the CIH Housing Awards 2024.
The Housing Options Training Toolkit is an online training platform that has been developed by the 32 Local Authorities & Wheatley Homes (Glasgow). The toolkit is now managed by Scotlands Housing Network and has its own Governance Advisory Board which is made up of staff from the 5 Housing hubs throughout Scotland.
The original 3 learning modules were made live in 2022 and then the final 3 modules were then made live in March 2024.
It currently has over 1900 live users of which over 1000 have already completed module 1.
Scotland’s Housing Network Learning Development Officer Leza Lafferty said: ‘I am absolutely delighted that the toolkit has been shortlisted for the CIH Housing Award as this will be a recognition of all the hard work that staff and other agencies have contributed to the toolkit over the years. It’s such a great resource to have and encourage all landlords to ensure their staff use it’.
If you would like to find out more about the Housing Options Toolkit please get in touch Leza.lafferty@scotlandshousingnetwork.org