Housing Options Training Toolkit
The Housing Options Training Toolkit (HOTT) is a learning and development, training and resource platform. Developed specifically for individuals to aid them in providing housing options advice in Scotland. The platform offers six learning modules, accessible via a learning platform.

Designed, developed and owned by the 32 Local Authortities in Scotland as well as Wheatley Homes Glasgow (previously GHA). The Scottish Government were also involved in the implementation of this toolkit.
Scotland’s Housing Network manages the toolkit on behalf of the Housing Options Hubs and the toolkit is governed by the Toolkit’s Governance Advsory Board which consists of Local Authority staff and a member of the Scottish Government.
The Housing Options Toolkit is only currently available to Housing and Homelessness staff within Scottish Local Authorities and Wheatley Homes Glasgow.
For further information contact Learning and Development Officer, Leza Lafferty at: housingoptionstraining@scotlandshousingnetwork.org

Frequently asked questions
The Housing Options Toolkit is only currently available to Housing/Homelessness staff within Scottish Local Authorities and Wheatley Homes (Glasgow) (Previously GHA).
If you are not sure if you are already registered for the toolkit please contact housingoptionstraining@scotlandshousingnetwork.org and I can check
If you are not already a registered user, then you will need to speak to your manager who will contact the Local Toolkit Rep. for your Local Authority and ask for you to be added. I cannot take requests for additions/deletions from anyone who is not listed as a LA Rep. If you aren’t sure who this is, you can contact me, and I will confirm.
You will receive an automatic email directly from the toolkit. As this is from a computer and not a person it may go into your junk folder so just double check that first.
The email will welcome you to the toolkit as a new user. It will confirm that your username is always your email address (all in lowercase) and will give you a temporary password and a link to the toolkit.
You should save the link to your favourites so it’s easy to access in the future. Here is the link here Housing Options Toolkit: Log in to the site
You log in on the first screen – username; is your email address (all in lowercase)
And you should type in the temporary password.
You MUST type in the temporary password as the system will reject it if it is copied and pasted.
If this does not work, check the details you have entered and try again – if it is still not working contact me.
If you forget your password, you can still log in using your email and then select the ‘forgotten password’ button. This will then take you through how to reset your password.
What if my email changes because of a name change or a change in job?
You should report any changes to me, and I can update your account. If you have left Housing/Homelessness I may have to delete or suspend your account as the toolkit is only currently available to Local Authority Housing and Homelessness staff.
Again, you should contact your LA Rep. and they will send a request to me for a progress report – and I can arrange this for you. Progress reports will be sent to each LA Rep. quarterly in 2024.
I don’t work for a Local Authority but want my staff to do this training or to find out more – what should I do?
The Housing Options Toolkit is currently only available to Local authorities as they produced it and funded it through their RRTP budgets. However, there will be scope to expand who can use it in the future – we just aren’t quite there right but watch this space!
Once you log on it takes you to your dashboard. You can customize this dashboard to have it how you like it – add photo, add calendar etc.
You will also get messages from me sent to you via your email and these show in the envelope icon on your dashboard.
If you have any notifications these will show at the bell icon – both at the top right-hand side of the dashboard page.
If you have completed any modules your badge will be displayed here too.
To start the modules, you click on ‘Module content’ and it will take you to a list of the 6 modules. You should do them in order.
If you click on Module 1 it takes you to elesson for the Modules one and all the activities.
You should work through these.
Remember you need to tick the box on the right-hand side once you have completed an activity as the computer wont always know once you have completed an activity depending on the task i.e go and read your own organisations policy on this…
Remember when you finish a module and exit it; it may buffer as it is updating your completion status – don’t rush this or it may not record it and you may have to start it again.
If you haven’t completed a module and need to come out of it – the system will remember your place and ask you ‘if you want to resume where you left off’ when you rejoin.