Private Sector Housing

Our communities of practice are a group of like minded professionals that work (or have an interest in) an area of housing practice.

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The Private Sector Services include forums, training, good practice, and direct liaison with Scottish Government officials on key issues relating to private sector housing services. A dedicated Private Sector Officer provides services to members opting to subscribe to the add-on Private Sector Services.

This network meets twice per annum, focussing on six discrete topics, shown below. This offers a supportive environment for members. Focussed on best practice, as well as the latest policy updates, meetings are always vibrant places to be, to share successes and challenges alike.


Key Content


Private Landlord Registration


Scottish Houses of Multiple Occupation


Property Condition and Scheme of Assistance


Aids and Adaptations




Short-term Let Licensing


Publications and reports

Scottish Private Landlord Survey 2024

Scotland’s Housing Network (SHN) is pleased to welcome you to our first report on the Scottish Private Rented Sector. This report has been informed by a national survey of landlords and letting agents who own and/or manage privately rented properties in Scotland.

Private Sector Conference September 2023: A view from Scotland’s Care and Repair Services

Robert Thomson, CO Care and Repair Scotland discusses the role of local authorities and housing association in delivering effective adapataions and support for vulnerbale people. Ruairidh MacKinnon from Care and Repair Lochalsh and Skye shares what an effective local adaptations strategy would look like.

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