
This Forum is concerned with the statutory homelessness functions of local authorities. 

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This Forum is concerned with the statutory homelessness functions of local authorities. As such, it will mainly be concerned with Housing Options and homelessness prevention, the assessment and investigation of homeless presentations, the provision of temporary accommodation, the permanent rehousing of homeless households and supporting them to sustain their new homes. 

This community of practice is primarily for LA members. As a member, you can expect to have the opportunity to meet quarterly, access to a dedicated online discussion forum, data dashboards, guidance documents and other publications. 

Key Content


Delivering Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans


Using the full breadth of Housing Options to prevent homelessness


Provision of ‘suitable’ temporary accommodation, meeting the Unsuitable Accommodation Order


Sustainably rehousing homeless households in all tenures

Publications and reports

North Lanarkshire Homelessness Case Study

Presentation by Margaret Kelly of North Lanarkshire Council, covering the homelessness challenges they face and good practice they are bringing to bear

Armed Forces Policies

Outcome of a member query into policies on armed forces veterans homelessness and allocations.

Discharging Homelessness Duty through Rehousing in the PRS

Outcome of member query into discharge of homelessness duty by rehousing into a private rented sector tenancy

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