Melville Housing Association – Housing Officer Vacancy

Melville are looking for a motivated individual to jon their team.

Vacancy at Whiteinch and Scotstoun Housing Association

Whiteinch and Scotstoun HA are currently recruiting for a Community Services Officer. For further details apply through EVH. Closing date is Monday 29th May at 12 noon.

Area Housing Officer Vacancy

Argyll and Bute Council are currently recruiting for the following position within the Housing Services Team.

Housing Options Toolkit Training user figures are up!

Housing Options Toolkit user figures have increase 10% since the launch of the last 3 modues at the end of March 2024.

Leza introduces students to Housing Options Toolkit

Leza attends the University of Stirling to speak to housing students about the Housing Options Toolkit.

Scottish Housing Regulator publishes its planned activity for 2024/25

The Scottish Housing Regulator has published an overview of planned activity for this 2024/25.

CIH Scotland Housing Bill surveys

The CIH is inviting members and wider stakeholders to take part in an online survey to help inform their response to the consultation.

Scottish Land Commission Conference

Registration is now open for the Scottish Land Commissions Conference to be held on the 13th of June at the MacDonald Resort in Aviemore.

Housing Bill briefings

ALACHO will be working with CIH Scotland to deliver two briefing sessions on the new Housing Bill.

The Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee budget survey

The Scottish Government has launched a survey to hear people's views on how decision about capital spending affect them.

Framework Agreement between Scottish Ministers and the Scottish Housing Regulator

This framework document is agreed between the Scottish Housing Regulator and the Scottish Ministers.

Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund: how to apply

Fund to help social housing landlords install zero direct emission heating systems and energy efficiency measures. Find out how to apply.

Scottish Government Planning Guidance – local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods

The Scottish Government has published its planning guidance on Local Living and 20 minute neighrbourhoods.

Scottish Law Commission publishes discussion paper on Tenement law changes

The Scottish Law Commission has published a Discussion Paper on Tenement law: compulsory owners’ associations.

SURF Awards 2024 launches

SURF invites you to the SURF Awards 2024 online launch.

Housing (Scotland Bill) Call for Views

Consultation on the Housing (Scotland) Bill was launched 19th April with a closing date of 17th May. There are 15 questions related to the Bill.

Pension Age Disability Payment to be piloted from October 2024 in Scotland

Attendance Allowance is to be changed to Pension Age Disability Payment in Scotland. The pilot will start in October with Argyll & Bute, Highland, Aberdeen City, Orkney and Shetland.

Stirling Taster Event 2024

The University of Stirling will be hosting an online taster event on Thursday 1st May 2024.

Chief Planning Officers guidance published

The Scottish Government has published new guidance published on chief planning officers to assist local authorities meet their new requirements.

Guidance for landlords and tenants

Updated guidance for private tenants and landlords is now available on the Scottish Government website.

Regulator publishes engagement plans

The Scottish Housing Regulator has published an engagement plan for every social landlord and a summary of the outcomes of its annual regulatory risk assessment.

Under One Roof: Repairing Standard changes for landlords of tenement flats

The next article in our series with Under One Roof provides advice and information on the repairing standard for landlords of tenement flats.

Scottish Government publishes Scottish Discretionary Housing Payment Guidance Manual

The Scottish Government published a Scottish Discretionary Housing Payment Guidance Manual on 27th March 2024.

Financial resilience of RSLs is diminishing

The latest report on the financial heath of the RSL sector from the Scottish Housing Regulator highlights the level of economic volatility and uncertainty facing RSLs and their tenants.