Financial resilience of RSLs is diminishing

The latest report on the financial heath of the RSL sector from the Scottish Housing Regulator highlights the level of economic volatility and uncertainty facing RSLs and their tenants.

Delivering the Scottish Passivahaus equivalent

On 10 January 2023 the Scottish Government announced plans to introduce new minimum environmental design standards for all new build housing to meet a Scottish equivalent to the Passivhaus standard.

SHN Data Collection Arrangements 2024

Data collection arrangements for the reporting year 2023/24. Published March 2024.

Electric Vehicle Charging Point Recommended Practice Update March 2024

The network has updated the EVCP Recommended Practice guide to include more information and around communal charging points and the impact to tenants on their future charging costs.

Huge response to the Housing Options Toolkit launch events

The Housing Options Toolkit launch has received almost three hundred bookings for events across Scotland.

Private rented sector reform: landlord tenant engagement questionnaire – analysis of email responses

The Scottish Government has now published an analysis of the additional comments made in addition to the recent closed question survey.

Scottish Government publish findings from housing affordability study

This Scottish Government commissioned report is based on in depth interviews with around 24 social housing tenants.

Housing Strategy Job Vacancies

Glasgow City Council is currently advertising for the following 5 positions in the Housing Strategy Group.

SHN ARC Validation Services 2024

ARC validation services available to SHN members for 2024.

Network Indicators review

The network is carrying out our annual review of our Annual and Quarterly Network Indicators

Development Value for Money

The network is currently collecting data for Q3 of 2023/24

Housing Option Toolkit Now Complete!

In co-operation with the Housing hubs, the Steering Group and Scottish Government Scotlands Housing Network are delighted to inform you that the Housing Options Toolkit modules are now complete!

Scottish Housing Regulator: New Regulatory Framework

The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has published its new Regultory Framework and statutory guidance for social landlords.

Housing Support Enabling Unit: Outcomes in Housing Support

The Housing Support Enabling Unit is inviting you to join them to discuss outcomes in housing support.

Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Report Generator

Scotland’s Housing Network is pleased to today launch our Housing Revenue Account (HRA) report generator, to help local authorities benchmark various elements of their HRA returns against their peers.

13th Annual Empty Homes Conference

The 13th annual Scottish Empty Homes Conference will take place in Glasgow on Thursday 29 February. The in-person only event will be held in The Studio on Hope Street near the city centre.

Under One Roof Scotland

Under One Roof are continuing to host webinars with local authorities on the Repairing Standard for landlords.

Rent Adjudication (Temporary Modifications) (Scotland) Regulations 2024 – Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

The Scottish Government published the BRIA on the 5th February 2024 to support the transition away from the rent cap.

CIH Scotland publishes new paper on what the housing sector wants to see in 2024

CIH Scotland has published a policy paper "Scottish Housing 2024: What the sector wants".

Repairing Standard Statutory Guidance for Private Landlords

Scottish Government published updated Repairing Standard Statutory Guidance for Private Landlords on 31st January 2024. Effective from 1st March 2024.

Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill

Scottish Government consultation on proposals for a Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill seeks the views of everyone on how we can do this.

Continuing rent protection for private tenants

Regulations to protect tenants concerned about rent increases following the ending of the emergency rent cap have been laid in the Scottish Parliament.

Homes For Scotland publish report examining existing housing need in Scotland

Homes For Scotland have published a study of existing housing need in Scotland.

Scotland’s Housing Network visit to Connect Modular

Scotland's Housing Network members visited Connect Modular on 25th January this year to find out all about the potential benefits of modular homes.